A Bermudian Thanksgiving

Private beach

Holidays are tough without your family. Holidays are tough when the wind is blowing and blowing and blowing. Holidays are tough without pie! This was our first Thanksgiving as married people and I was planning to prepare a lovely canned ham with sides of boxed potatoes and canned peas! Enter Jimmy – who called and saved us from not just one, but all three of our holiday afflictions.

Jimmy is our new friend here in Bermuda. He found us through this blog because he has his own boat here in Bermuda named Stella Blue. So we should be friends, right? Right. We were still anchored in St. George’s Harbor – we hadn’t moved the boat since we dropped the hook after checking in with customs. (Why mess with a good thing/We needed to stay still for a while after our passage). But there were two weather systems blowing through this week threatening gale force winds so we started to look around for somewhere more protected. Before we could come up with anything, Jimmy found us a mooring ball. It’s not just any mooring ball, it’s the BEST mooring ball. We are moored in a place called Paradise Lake close to Hamilton, the capital of Bermuda. We are protected on all sides and it is absolutely peaceful. No more weather problem.

As if we weren’t tickled enough – Jimmy then asks if we have Thanksgiving plans. Last night we found ourselves sitting around a dining table at Jimmy’s parents’  house sharing our sailing stories and singing along to Lyndy’s ukulele. Not only were our plates filled with all the traditional Thanksgiving treats (even green bean casserole!), but we were surrounded by a warm happy family. No more pie problem. We were still missing our own families, but this was a wonderful place to celebrate and be thankful.

Sailing and traveling are constant teachers. We learn practical things (see last post on plumbing…or don’t), but more importantly we learn about our relationship to the world and the people in it. People are so good so warm and so kind. We are so thankful for the opportunity to share life experiences with such good people. And of course we are thankful for pie 🙂

I’m so glad that we got blown into Bermuda instead of…well, pretty much anywhere. Here are a few pictures from our island explorations.

One thought on “A Bermudian Thanksgiving

  1. Love this post! Miss you guys so much but so happy you had a great family to take you in for Thanksgiving! I’m thankful to have you both as friends 🙂 Love yall!

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